“I always wanted to be a parent,” said Eric Johnson. But, as life went on the miracle of parenthood just didn’t happen, and I wasn’t getting any younger,” he said.
Johnson, works in early childhood education and knew he could form a family by fostering. Johnson says, “I wanted to be a foster parent and give a home to a child that needs a home.”
It took about three months for him to complete the foster certification process—which includes among other things, trainings and home visits.
Johnson knew that children in foster care needed loving homes, and he wanted to make a difference in a child’s life. Currently, there are about 5,000 Philadelphia children in foster care. There are plenty of children that need homes in the Philadelphia area.
Before he knew it, he got a phone call. It changed his life forever.
“They called me one day in November,” Johnson said. Two brothers needed a home.” Johnson explains, “I was a pre-adoptive parent so if the children were up for adoption, they would be the ones I would adopt.”
“Once [the boys] came into my house I knew this was it. They were going to be with me,” Johnson said. Now, he is father to Edward, five, and Sincere, three. For as much as he is helping them navigate their world, they are helping him, too.
“They help me understand what things I need to work on both as a parent and in my personal life. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Johnson, for whom being a father is a dream come true.
To learn more about becoming a fostering parent, visit the Philadelphia DHS website: www.phila.gov/fosteringphilly or call 215-683-5709.