Meet The New NBA Insider For The Gambler

It is that time of year when the NBA will be the main focus when it comes to the sports gambling conversation on the Gambler & we wanted to get the best new voice out there covering the Sixers & the league itself! With that, Sean Barnard will now be featured as our "76ers & NBA Insider" on the station until we crown an NBA champ this summer!

For those who might not know Sean Barnard, be sure to give him a follow & catch all of his content at a number of sites talking all things Hoops!

As the PD for the Gambler, we continue to build our roster & fill in the spots with fresh new voices so the conversation never becomes stale! Sean brings fresh takes on the Sixers & the NBA ,as well as knows what to look for when it comes to wagering on the games. I am extrmely excited to get him involved with the Gambler ASAP!

Hear Sean Barnard on the Daily Ticket with Sean Brace & Jon Jansen every Tuesday & Thursday as well as on the other shows throughout the week!

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